Ancestral Elevation Healing Ceremony


Saturday, November 4th, 2023

@5:00 PM (Pacific Standard Time)


And just like that, the Ancestral Veneration Healing Ceremony is right around the corner and is ready to go down again for the fourth year in a row. My Soul Family, for those of you who have participated in this event in the past and those of you who are new to it, you do not want to miss this much needed experience for such a magickal time period as "All Souls Day" is. A time period every year when the veil between the world of the Departed Ones (or Heaven) and that of Earth, is super thin.


First of all, What is "Ancestral Elevation & Healing"? Well, it’s not voodoo nor devil worshiping, so we can scratch that off the list . LOL!!! It’s not evil witchcraft. It’s not linked to any specific religious practice per-say. And this healing does not jeopardize your relationship with the God/Source of your understanding. You can breathe now!

Ok, now that we have that all cleared and out of the way and now that you know you're not going to "hell", then, what is "Ancestral Elevation & Healing"? We must first understand the term “Ancestral”. Ancestral derives from the word Ancestor. And, an “Ancestor” is anyone whose past existence on earth shaped our current existence, whether positively or negatively. These “Ancestors” are usually referred to as the ones we are genetically and biologically connected to, but they can also be individuals who in some way contributed to the way we think, act, and go about in life. 

We must also briefly describe the word “elevation” which is the process by which a deceased individual's soul ascends to a higher degree of spiritual understanding. It is also understood that in the process of elevating a spirit, we also venerate, which means to honor, to revere, admire, and show respect.

The word “healing” is self-explanatory as we know it implies relief, recovery, and cure. But when speaking of “healing” from a spiritual perspective, we are talking about restoration. Being able to bring past experiences to a level of restorative vibration and recalibration that allows us to realign with our truest and highest self, and move around the world feeling whole. 

Therefore, during an "Ancestral Elevation Healing Ceremony", we honor those who came before us, who we genuinely feel love towards and value they were here before us, so that we could be here too. We show reverence for their great contributions and thank them for their sacrifices. We take a moment to show them they are not forgotten. But during this ceremony, we also take the time to give ourself the opportunity to heal from past traumatic experiences inflicted upon us by deceased loved ones and those who we never even met, but whom we know negatively impacted the lives of those who ended up affecting us in not so loving ways. An opportunity to heal the negative and traumatic generational patterns that is repeatedly passed down from generation to generation, thus contributing to much pain and distress in the lives of many of us who are trying our best to do this thing called, LIFE! 

In order to fully understand where we are heading, we must take a look at where we come from. This allows us to put into perspective why we tend to do the things we do which ultimately serves us no purpose, in hopes we can unlearn what’s no longer needed and make room to relearn a new way of living that promotes sanity, peace, love, growth, joy, and abundance. 

This ritual will take place ONLINE. A replay will be available for those of you who can not participate during the live session. SLOTS ARE LIMITED and will run out quickly.

A custom-made ceremonial candle will be created for each person who signs up. This will not be a generic candle. It will be dressed, anointed and blessed with your chosen family names (those you want to honor and/or those you want to heal from, and/or those you want to offer light to). All items necessary will be provided for you. Once you sign up, you will receive a welcome email which will provide all the detailed and necessary information you need in terms of providing your ancestors/deceased loved ones names, mailing out pictures and much more.

If you participated in last year’s Ancestral Elevation Healing Ceremony, you might be asking yourself if you need to (or should you) participate again this year. The answer is YES you should and YES you can. Ancestral elevation and healing is not a one time deal and we can always honor our Ancestors and deceased loved ones. More on this latter part down below in the Q & A. 






A.K.A. "Spiritual Doctor AFI"

Ancestral Spiritual Healer


Transformative Spiritual Life Coach

Afimaye, also affectionately referred to by his clients as Spiritual Doctor AFI, is a well-respected spiritualist, medium and religious leader with over 29 years experience in Mediumship, Clairvoyance, Spiritual and Ancestral Healing, and various Afro-Cuban spiritual traditions. His spiritual blessings and teachings are based upon his life experiences and teachings passed down through generations of a family with a reputable rich history. Through his influential upbringing alongside respected leaders of wisdom and the influence of Allan Kardec’s teachings, Afimaye works with clients to help them discover what their Soul already knows. He embodies the art of spiritual healing. Now, he wants to help you experience it too!

Join The Soul Family!



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    Are there any payment options available?


    When will I receive the zoom link for the event?

    To avoid you losing the email with the zoom link, you will receive the link the day before the event. You must make sure to enter the correct email address when you sign up, this way any emails regarding the ceremony doesn't go to your spam folder . It is highly recommended you add the following email to your address list to avoid missing out on emails regarding the Ancestral Elevation Healing Ceremony.


    I participated in last year’s Ancestral Elevation & Healing Ceremony. Do I have to participate (or can I participate) in this year’s ceremony also? 

    You most definitely can and should, if you choose to. Ancestral elevation and healing is not a cut and dry nor a one time deal. We are speaking of generations after generations of God-only-knows how much trauma and dysfunctional behavior. All this, is a heavy bag of potatoes you invisibly carry but that you heavily feel everyday of your life. Moreover, this ceremony though titled Ancestral Elevation & Healing Ceremony, it is not exclusive to just healing. This is also about honoring your loving departed ones and continuing to foster a healthy relationship with your ancestors so that they may continue to have eternal light and be of support and guidance to you. 

    What can I expect from this event? 

    You can expect to be reconnected with the self. What does this mean? Due to the countless of spiritual burdens, unfinished business, trauma, generational baggage we drag and deal with (consciously and unconsciously), it makes it difficult for us to be connected with our true self in this current existence. We wake up every morning attempting to do our best while still feeling misguided, short-changed and mistreated by life. We lack the right focus necessary to uplift our life. From this Ancestral Elevation & Healing Ceremony, you can expect to be re-connected with your ancestors on a safe but also a profound level.


    You can also expect to feel a deeper sense of calm and a release of emotional burdens with departed loved ones that left too soon and unexpectedly: As well as with those whom left on bad terms with you. This Ancestral Elevation & Healing Ceremony offers you a sense of closure where needed. You can expect to clear away known and unknown curses and unhealthy behavioral patterns that have afflicted your family lineage.

    When can I expect results?

    It can happen instantaneously for some, but for most it will unfold like an onion over the course of weeks or months. Spiritual work is oftentimes not an overnight miracle and it can not be treated as if taking Tylenol for a headache. Some deceased loved ones spiritual burdens, trauma and curses are more difficult to break than for others. But this is sure the beginning in helping (or continuing to help) them and most importantly you, in being able to start to free your lineage, your name, from negative and burdensome contracts.

    How can I prepare for the Ancestral Veneration & Healing Ceremony?


    For spiritual work on this level, it is advised you wear white if you can or at least light colors (WEARING BLACK IS NOT ADVISED). You are also invited to take a spiritual bath. Preferably, what’s called a white bath which consists of white flowers of your choice (white roses, carnations or pom-poms are my favorite, florida water or a spiritual cologne of your choice, cascarilla powder (a cleansing and protection powder which is made from ground-up egg shells, great for warding off negative vibrations) and holy water (if you have access to it, if not it’s ok). You can do this bath on the night before the ceremony. 

    If you have a spiritual altar at home (you don’t have to for this ritual), it is advised you make sure your altar is clean and freshly attended to for this event. You might want to take care of your spiritual altar the night before. On the day of, sit by your altar and set your intention by way of prayer or meditation. 

    Make sure you have a good night’s sleep on the night before the Ancestral Elevation Healing Ceremony. 

    Must I have a spiritual altar for this ceremony?

    The answer is no. You do not have to have a spiritual altar but, if you don’t have one, I invite you to buy fresh flowers (preferably white or specific flowers you know your ancestor(s)/deceased loved one(s) you are connecting to liked), put up a clear glass filled with fresh water and light a white candle in the name of your ancestor(s) and/or deceased loved one(s) you will be connecting with on the day of the spiritual ceremony. You can burn incense to set the tone and put into practice whatever customs you have that helps you connect with your spirituality. 

    I don’t live in my house and where I stay at I don’t have real privacy. Can I still benefit from this event?

    Yes you can. If you are in a place where you have no privacy and will be difficult for you to join the ceremony live, you can still benefit from the Ancestral Elevation Healing Ceremony. I invite you to consider going to the park or somewhere in nature where you will feel safe. Take your headsets/headphones with you so you can tune-in better. Consider asking someone you trust and get along with if you can drop by on the day of the Ancestral Elevation Healing Ceremony in hopes you can have some privacy to participate in the ceremony live. 

    I  have to work on the day of the ceremony. Does it make a difference if I am not present during the livestream? Will it still be beneficial for my ancestors and me?

    My preference would be that you participate in the livestream and are present for the ceremony. But I can not tell you your ancestors and deceased loved ones won’t receive the prayers and elevation. The event can take place without you being present. As my late Godfather use to say, Spirit has no boundaries. Meaning, when those prayers are being said and the ceremony takes place, the Ancestors and deceased loved ones will receive it with and without your physical presence.

    What time is the ceremony and how long does it last? 

    The ceremony will be at 5:00pm (Pacific Standard Time). Spiritual work of this nature can’t be timed but be mentally ready to give yourself two hours for this ceremonial event. 

    Will there be a replay?

    Yes, a replay will be made available for those who can not attend live or those of you who need to log off unexpectedly.  

    What if I’m adopted and don’t know my real lineage name or I was given a different name by my adoptive parents and don’t even know my real birth name? Will this ritual still be beneficial for me?

    It will definitely still be beneficial for you. I once again reference the response to the above question. It also applies to this one. In this case, make sure to let me know via email of your adoptive situation.

    What is mediumship?

    Mediumship is a level above what is commonly referred to as a psychic. All psychics aren’t necessarily mediums but all mediums are indeed psychics. While a psychic uses his/her intuitive abilities to connect with a person’s past, present and/or future, a medium sees the past, the present and/or the future. Mediums connect with external energies and vibrations outside of themselves in order to receive clear messages from the Spirit world. Specifically, mediumship is ones ability to connect with deceased loved ones and deliver messages to their descendants and offsprings. A medium also has the ability to assist the deceased in ascending into the heavenly realms. Helping them accept their new state and supporting them in their elevation into their peaceful resting place.

    When is the last day to sign up?

    October 27th is the cut-off date so each individual custom-made candle and items needed for the elevation ceremony is complete onetime.



    You cannot ask ancestors to keep or persuade a man or woman to be with you against their will. You are wasting your time. What you can ask for is love, marriage and children to secure your blood line and lineage for the best and highest good of all involved. You cannot ask your ancestors to harm someone on your behalf, even when such person has hurt you deeply. You cannot take this time to ask your ancestors if your ex is still in-love with you or if your current partner is cheating on you. This ceremony is intended to rewrite your soul contract, clear you from curses that started before you were born and situations that afflict your life, cleanse you from curses you picked up while in your mother’s womb and, but not limited to, bring wholeness, clarity and strength into your life. 

    What’s involved in the ceremony?

    There will be spiritual esoteric work to facilitate this event prior to the actual date of the Ancestral Elevation & Healing Ceremony. That, I will not divulge. But I will say this work requires much mediumship, prayers, incantations and chants. Your custom loaded candle and your petition will be included and printed out to work with. 

    Why should I do this ceremony?


    This time period is the best for such a ceremony. By then, we’ll be in Scorpio season and will allow a deeper connection and access to the Spirit world. This ceremony is important for being able to flip the old page and be able to start a new chapter in your life. The Ancestral Elevation & Healing Ceremony will offer you a deeper sense of awareness about your life, reconnect you with your goals and purpose (or assist you in revealing to you what those are). 

    What is All Souls Day?

    All Souls Day, observed by many on November 2nd, is a day of prayers for the dead. A day to honor our ancestors and deceased loved ones. Many people, especially those of Catholic faith, attend church and visit family graves to honor their deceased loved ones. In Mexico, it’s a national holiday referred to as Dia De Los Muertos (Day Of The Dead). It is believed that on All Souls Day, the spirits of the departed ones return to visit loved ones. Some of the symbolisms of All Souls Day are the skull and the traditional Marigold flower. The skull represents death and can also symbolize rebirth. Many elders say that Marigold flowers is representative of the rays of the Sun, which stands for life and strength.

    Will the ceremony be less effective due to the fact that it is not being held on November 2nd, which has been coined to be All Souls Day?

    Negative. Though I respect and observe the actual date of November 2nd to be All Souls Day, we must not forget that it was also determined to be All Souls Day by men. Elevating and honoring the ancestors and deceased loved ones can be done any day of the year. It is also important to note that even though the veil between what we refer to as Heaven and Earth is thin on All Souls Day, it remains open and thin during this time period and lasts more than just that one day. So even though the ceremony is not being hosted on November 2nd, it will still be effective because the time period it is being done remains auspicious for such a ceremony. And last but not least, what's truly important is the heart, the sincere intentions, and the knowledge being poured into this healing ceremony what will make it truly magickal.

    If can't think of any specific deceased loved ones and/or ancestors I wish to honor or give light to, can I choose to give light to and/or honor other deceased beings I am not related to by blood but consider them to be important in my path as a human being? And if so, will it truly be helpful for me?

    The answer is definitely, YES! I'll give you a perfect example. I have clients and spiritual Godchildren who feel a deep connection and have a profound affinity with the late Martin Luther King Jr., and therefore even though they are not related to him by blood, and as a matter of fact never even had the opportunity to meet the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., they still honor him and respect his legacy to such a degree that they have incorporated him (meaning, added him) to their spiritual altar. In this case, Martin Luther King Jr, is considered to be a community ancestor, and this truly exists. And it sure can be beneficial for you. Especially the fact that spirits, the departed ones, are gracious and thankful of any gesture that comes from the heart.

    What if I don’t know specific stories and names of deceased loved ones or ancestors who might be affecting my life negatively? Will this ceremony still be beneficial for me?

    It most definitely will. What is most important is the intention. You may not necessarily know where or when the curse started nor whom it started with, but your inner-spirit (incarnate spirit) does. Also keep in mind that, the fact that you are aware your life is afflicted by circumstances beyond your comprehension and no matter what you do nothing seems to work, is a clear sign that Ancestral Healing work is much needed in your life.

    What if I’m adopted and don’t know my real lineage name or I was given a different name by my adoptive parents and I don’t even know my real birth name? Will this ceremony still be beneficial for me?

    It will definitely still be beneficial for you. I once again reference the response to the above question. It also applies to this one. In this case, make sure to let me know via email of your adoptive situation.

    What is mediumship?

    Mediumship is a level above what is commonly referred to as a psychic. All psychics aren’t necessarily mediums but all mediums are indeed psychics. While a psychic uses his/her intuitive abilities to connect with a person’s past, present and/or future, a medium sees the past, the present and/or the future. Mediums connect with external energies and vibrations outside of themselves in order to receive clear messages from the Spirit world. Specifically, mediumship is ones ability to connect with deceased loved ones and deliver messages to their descendants and offsprings. A medium also has the ability to assist the deceased in ascending into the heavenly realms. Helping them accept their new state and supporting them in their elevation into their peaceful resting place.



    Sometimes, it's just as simple as dedicating time and energy to those who came before us so we are able to map the way that will lead us into a new and a much needed abundant journey. Let's set the right tone to make our upcoming 2023 year, not just a great year, but a PHENOMENAL one!

    -Spiritual Doctor AFI-


    What past Ancestral Veneration Healing Ceremony attendees are saying

    Zina V.

    “I  admit at first when I heard about the ancestral ritual from a friend, I was a little skeptical. I had never participated in something like that before. Especially because I grew up Christian. But this ritual has changed my whole entire life in ways I can’t really explain right now. For the first time in my life I  can actually say I feel alive and validated by God. Thank you is just not enough for the work you have done.”

    Norma R.

    “Dr. Afi. It has taken me this long to really process what went down during the ancestral ritual. I cried for three days straight and though it was super hard to face all that I was hiding and repressing, I can actually now say it was worth it. This experience peeled me to my core and left me so naked I could not continue lying to myself anymore. My new me I owe it to you and this ass kicking event. A month later I'm still speechless."

    Marilyn C.

    “I am blessed to have joined such a powerful event. I couldn't express enough in words the appreciation I feel for all the work, passion, love, power, and selflessness you poured into this ritual. The positive energy that came from it was so uplifting and heart warming. May you continue to be bless and uplifted for all you have done for the community.”

    Julia H.

    “I don’t even know where to start. Sunday was so amazing. Your grace, dedication, and love for the world really showed Sunday. You took the time to not only uplift our ancestors you also gave us personal messages. Just Thank You for your wisdom. You gave all of us and our ancestors your heart and soul. I pray for your continued blessings.”

    Tatiana S.

    "I would love to thank you again Spirit & Spiritual Doctor AFI! The ritual was beautiful and the energy was beautiful. So many emotions yet still beautiful. I want to thank you deeply for taking the time out of your day, the effort that you put into everything!  I am completely humbled and honored to have stumbled upon your YouTube channel. I never thought that me finding your video would’ve made such an impact on my life. I  am extremely humbled and grateful to have even been in your presence virtually. I thank Spirit & you for your beautiful work."

    James P.

    "Iboru Iboya my elder. Thank you so very much for acknowledging my mother, father and son and placing that angel on your altar for him. I greatly appreciate your service and caring. The ceremony was truly beautiful full with light and healing. A lot of what spirit relayed to you resonated with me. I’m glad spirit directed me towards you. Asè "

